Saturday, October 27, 2012


December 8, 2010

It is around midnight right now and I am about to head of to the land of dreams where I will be exploring my unconscious mind for the next few hours, but before I do that I must jot down some thoughts I have gathered from this wonderful day.

After my morning of reading about the meaning of love, writing, and listening to music my mother dropped me off at Ashley Winter's House. We proceeded to go to the gas station, listening to French electronic/pop dance music on the way to buy cigarettes.  After the cancer sticks were purchased we went to sunset point  and parked. Ashley, for some reason unbeknownst to me want to find empty glass bottles. This bottle would be found somewhere within a place called pre-stress, an abandoned bridge project. There was so much to climb on and look at within this place, so much amazing nature mixed with a failed project by human beings. The first course of action taken was to walk along a concrete wall into pre-stress with trees on our right and an 8 foot drop into the bay to our left. We walked this wall and hopped down off to the right into Pre-stress. After walking for a bit we came to these giant concrete pillars/towers that one could climb up. Me and Ashley proceeded to climb up this 10 foot concrete tower and sit down. It was a beautiful day the sky was blue and the sun was out. When we reached the top an overwhelming sense of peace and comfort washed over me and I was happy where I was and who I was with. Me and Ashley talked over a few good bowls of kind bud about life, the universe, the unconscious mind, and human interaction and how each person is unique and how we relate to our fellow man and what we feel about them. Sufficiently stoned and feeling the stirring drive in our souls to explore we climbed down from the concrete tower overlooking the bay to go and explore pre-stress. Pre-stress is a huge piece of land with so much to explore in it. Ashley explained a very tiny fraction of the history of this intriguing place as we walked under old concrete buildings spray painted with all sorts of graffiti and artwork. it felt like every building is it's own piece of artwork put together by hundreds of different hands with cans of spray-paint. Me and Ashley talked about how much the art on the walls will continue to change throughout the years to come. At this moment i realize how fleeting everything we do as humans on this planet really is. The fact that everything is finite makes everything that more beautiful and awe-inspiring.. The graffiti will change over and over again and one day Pre-stress will be gone completely, but that doesn't mean it isn't significant.

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